fifty cent souls
An aging star whose best days are behind her.
A stunt driver who has her eyes on the skies.
A spiritual medium trying to prove he has a real gift.
These three souls will never be the same again.

Fifty Cent Souls is a 12 episode actual play podcast, powered by the Call of Cthulhu RPG system. Our story is set in 1950’s Hollywood, a period of fast cars, UFO sightings, and nuclear experiments.
If you’ve never played Call of Cthulhu and you’re wanting to get an idea of how it works, you might learn from our mistakes and successes.
If you’re just looking for an improvised audio drama to entertain, you’ll certainly get that here.
Begin your journey into the unknown today.
In our final episode of Fifty Cent Souls, our characters find themselves at odds over how to deal with Bonnie Hunsacker.
In penultimate episode of the season... Joanne Lamour runs amok. John Murphy Doritt takes a hostage. And Hallie Stone finally discovers the truth.
Our investigators decide to infiltrate the KTLU television studio, in hopes of finding Leonard Kemp, his dread film, and finally... Bonnie Hunsacker. Joanne and Hallie Stone try to keep Murphy Doritt's sanity from slipping, but is the detective too far gone?
After a wild couple of days, our investigators take a moment to regroup and ask some tough questions. R.A. Goodrich and Art Berman both have a chat with Joanne Lamour. Hallie stone gets reaquainted with Dr. Nigel Morgan. And Detective Doritt reveals that an old adversary may be responsible for everything.
In the mood for some vehicular combat? Hallie Stone takes Joanne Lamour for the ride of her life as the two face down Hollywood fixer Moses Mayhew, in a muscle car mashup!
We're accelerating towards the final four episodes of our Call of Cthulhu actual play, where every decision our players make, could be their last...
Our investigators find themselves face to face, or is it eye to eye, with Joseph Gilks. Murphy Dorrit's extreme measures may prove too much for Joanne Lamour. And Hallie Stone uncovers a startling connection to Leonard Kemp.
After a series of unfortunate events, August Straume finds himself on the edge of death.
Hallie Stone is on the receiving end of several unsettling messages.
And Joanne Lamour finds herself a posse in Indio Hills.
You won't want to miss out on this episode of Fifty Cent Souls, our Call of Cthulhu actual play audio drama.
Two lives are at stake in this episode as Joanne Lamour must fight back an assailant, while August Straume attempts to shake down Hollywood fixer Moses Mayhew. How could our investigators manage to survive this one? You won't want to miss out on this episode of Fifty Cent Souls, our Call of Cthulhu actual play audio drama.
Hallie Stone manages to find her way into R.A. Goodrich's office, for an important conversation with the Hollywood mogul. Joanne Lamour decides to leave Los Angeles to investigate a suspicious film crew in Indio Hills. And our spiritualist August Straume tries to use a spell to contact the soul of Bonnie Hunsacker.
After a brush with violence our Investigators go their separate ways. Their curiosity compels them to follow some leads in hopes of discovering the whereabouts of Bonnie Hunsacker.
August Straume made a real splash at Zelda Grantham's party, but not everyone believes he's the real deal. Will what they find in Walter Lambe's office take them closer to the mysterious Bonnie? Or will their curiosity lead them to a road of ruin?